Greenbird’s Blog

Go green with greenbird

Golden Milk May 23, 2021

Filed under: Cooking,guides — misscilicia @ 10:25 pm
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Golden Milk

For those of you not familiar with golden milk, it’s a tasty way to get some great spices in our diets. There are several ways to make it; here’s my methed.

Dice about ½ cup of fresh ginger root and ½ turmeric root and put into pot with enough water to cover it and a bit more

Now break up 3-4 cinnamon sticks and add to pot. Lastly add about a tablespoon of whole black peppercorns.

Put on burner and bring to a simmer for 20-30 minutes. Let cool and strain into a container. Add honey or agave to taste.

Add about 2 cups of plant milk and stir. Refrigerate.

And that’s it! It just takes a few minutes, and it makes your home smell amazing.



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